Murdered Soul Suspect PC full Game یاری بۆ كۆمپیته‌ر

یاریه‌كی زۆر به‌هێز
ناوی یاری : Murdered Soul Suspect PC

یاری:بۆ كۆمپیته‌ر




Games : Windows : Full Game : Multilanguage

About the game:

Murdered: Soul Suspect is a action-adventure video game, developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix.
The events of the game are set in Salem, Massachusetts, and focus on Detective Ronan O’Connor, who is slain by a brutal and relentless killer.
Ronan returns as a ghost, and will not rest in peace until he solves his own murder by using his ghostly powers,
and at the same time combat demonic creatures who wish to eat his soul.
Along the way to finding his killer, Ronan is also helped by Joy, a girl who not only witnessed Ronan’s death,
but can also see and speak to ghosts (including Ronan), a trait she inherited from her missing mother, a contracted psychic…..



 سیسته‌می پێویست

CPU: Core i7 یان i5 یان i3
Graphics:  1GB
How to install:
After download is done:
– open part1
– choose location ,
– click install ,
– wait until is done
– play game from desktop shortcut.
This version of game is already cracked – just install and play.
To change game language open file ALI213 from /Binaries/Win64 and change line Language=english
Available languages:
English – text/audio
German – text/audio
French – text/audio
Italian – text/audio
Spanish – text/audio
Russian – text/audio

Size: 7 GB :: قه‌باره‌ی یاریه‌كه‌


 دوانلۆد كردن له‌رێگای تۆرنێته‌وه‌


لینك: بۆ وه‌ركرتنی  كلیك له‌سه‌ر داونلۆد بكه:: Download



ڤیدیۆی فێركاری: جۆنیه‌تی داونلۆدكردنی:: فه‌رمون سه‌یری بكه‌ن


چه‌ند وێنه‌یه‌ یاریه‌كه‌




هیوادارم سودی هه‌بێ بۆ ئێوه‌ی خۆشه‌ویست



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