هونه‌ری وێنه‌ كێشان

MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (1)

MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (1)




The Mediterranean Tunnel, 2015
Sliema, Malta


MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (2)

MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (3)


MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (4)



The Mediterranean Tunnel, 2015
Sapri, Italy


MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (5)

MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (6)

Artwork by MTO
Facebook | Flickr | Vimeo | Instagram


MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (7)


The Mediterranean Door, 2014
Sliema, Malta


MTO Completes 2-Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues (8)








long beach museum of art vitality and verve street art exhibit MTO Completes 2 Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues



street art graffiti by mto 2 MTO Completes 2 Part Mural in Two Countries to Highlight Immigration Issues


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